Assessment Procedures @ RSHS
(Please note PN=Principal's Nominee, for RSHS this is Mark Mortensen)
Missed and late assessments:
Where a student is absent from an in-class assessment activity or does not hand in assessment work the following procedures apply. It is important to note that estimated grades are not feasible under standards based assessment, there must be actual evidence of standard reached.
Assessment tasks:
These must be handed to the classroom teacher in the relevant lesson on the due date. There may be a final date in the case of portfolio work, which will have been clarified by the teacher. Assessment work handed after the due time will receive a ‘Not Achieved’ result unless an extension has previously been applied for and granted (see extension procedures).
In-class Assessment Activities:
In the case of specific in-class activities, students absent on the day of an assessment activity will receive a ‘Not Achieved’ for that activity.
If the student is absent for a legitimate reason, the teacher will make every effort to assess the absent student on the basis of previous work in a moderated task, in a parallel task or in a future assessment activity.
(Also see Assessment Opportunities guidelines.)
Portfolio type assessments:
In the case of on-going assessment and a portfolio type mode of assessment. If a student misses the final due date for submission, the evidence in the portfolio that has been collated in an on-going manner over time can still be used to assess the learner against the standard. The assessor will disregard any items edited after the submission date.
The PN is the judge of the legitimacy of absences. For an absence to be considered as reasonable, a completed assessment slip with an attached note from a parent or doctor must be presented to the PN immediately upon the student’s return to school.
It is the PN’s responsibility in the first instance to judge whether an application for an extension is reasonable and appropriate. Extensions will not normally be given for the following reasons:
family holiday / travel
school activities outside the classroom (school sports, school show, camps, field trips).
part-time employment
sports events / cultural events that are non-representative.
Link / work experience courses.
Extensions for assessment work supported by the PN may be granted by Learning Area Leaders on the basis of the following conditions:
Application is made in writing.
Application for an extension is supported by parental contact or a doctor’s note.
Application is made at least one week prior to the due date. Where an extension is sought less than a week before a deadline due to exceptional circumstances then students will be required to present to the Specialist Curriculum Leader the work they have done to date.
The length of the extension granted needs to reflect fairness not only to the applicant but also to his/ her fellow students.
Approval must be confirmed by Specialist Curriculum Leader in writing. This letter must state clearly the new hand-in date. A copy of this must be handed to the PN.
Appeal of Grades:
A student may appeal the grade given for a particular assignment. However it is recognised that a finite time for appeal is necessary due to the need for consistent standards of assessment and due to availability of documentation.
Grounds for appeal may include:
disagreement over grades apportioned
error in recording or reporting of grades
work being judged inauthentic.
The following conditions apply:
The first appeal must be made to the Teacher within ONE school week of the grades being given to the class.
Should the student still not be satisfied with the grade allocated to them then they may appeal to the PN. This appeal must be lodged within TWO school weeks of the grades being returned to the class.
Appeals raised after the time periods set out above will be considered by the PN and only in very unusual situations eg prolonged absence through sickness.
Any appeal must be in writing.
Examples of good practice that should reduce the need for students to appeal are:
Publication of students’ appeal rights and the conditions in the NCEA information to students. A brief reminder when assessment assignments are returned may also prove useful.
All students need to be given an appropriate amount of in-class time to check work returned to them.
Double checking by teachers that grades recorded electronically for transfer to NZQA are correct.
Checking by students that grades recorded electronically are correct.
Other Appeals:
A student may have other concerns and may seek to make an appeal. The student must make this appeal as close to the incident as possible. The appeal should be in writing to the PN. The PN will investigate the appeal and give a written recommendation/ resolution to the students and staff concerned.
Breaches of the rules and authenticity
Authenticity of Student work.
The work submitted by students must be their own. Where students have drawn upon the work of others there is a need for them to acknowledge these sources.
Learning Areas need to have a pre-established system of ensuring authenticity of student work for each standard. This is particularly important with online work.
Actions to be taken:
Where the Specialised Curriculum Leader judges that cheating, dishonest practice, concerns of authenticity, influencing, assisting, or hindering another candidate, and failure to follow instructions. has occurred the incident will be investigated by the PN, following a process of natural justice.
This may involve:
Reminding of procedures
Possible NA
Further penalties may be imposed by the PN. The seriousness of the penalty will depend on the seriousness of the incident.