
Our KAMAR portal is where you can access information about your child's attendance and reports.
Login details for new families are sent out in February each year and as new students start throughout the year. You will be required to change your password when you first logon. If you require your login details re-sent, please email: communication@rhs.school.nz.
To access the parent portal, please click the link below:

Schoology is our Learning Management System (online software package) in which we share learning with students, receive evidence of learning, give formal feedback and assess achievement and progress.
We also use the platform to communicate important information on the day to day activities within the school to students, and organise extra-curricular activities such as sports and arts.
Parents/whānau have their own account created, which is linked to their child’s account. You can log in and view your child's Schoology profile to see what they are learning, any learning tasks they have due, what work they have submitted to teachers and the feedback they have received.
Schoology parent accounts are defaulted to receive all notification - we recommend you change your notification setting soon to suit how you want to be best notified. Most parent’s preference is to turn off whole school notifications, but keep on Group ones. For help on how to do this, see this Schoology help page: https://support.schoology.com/hc/en-us/articles/201000803-Personal-Account-Parent-Notifications
To access Schoology, click the link below and enter your login details.
For whānau new to RHS (2022 onwards), your login details will be your email address and initial KAMAR password that was emailed to you. We recommend you change it to the KAMAR password that you have chosen for yourself (see KAMAR note above)
For everyone else, your Schoology login details remain the same.
If you require assistance, please email communication@rhs.school.nz