We are operating as a cashless school with the following methods being available to pay school donations, EOTC (e.g. camps and outings offsite), course expenses and other school activity fees. Notices will be sent by staff members (mainly teachers) when required for school payments, with parents being able to view their statement of account at anytime through KINDO.
School donations and parent contributions are as follows:
Donations (Tax deductible)
Junior High:
$70 per term or $280 for the year. For those with two or more students at RJHS the donation is capped at $110 per family per term, or $440 for the year maximum for the donation.
$75 per year ICT contribution towards Educational Software (eg Education Perfect, Schoology, KAMAR, Adobe, JAMF, Writers Toolbox)
Though these payments are not compulsory they are appreciated by the Board as they allow us to offer and provide teaching resources which may otherwise not be affordable by the school. Please see below for an explanation of Education Perfect & Writer's Toolbox.
Senior High (from 2024):
Senior High School is under the Donation Scheme so we will not be asking for donations or voluntary payments. This includes daytime EOTC trips. We will be asking for contributions if any overnight trips take place. For more information, please see link above.
Voluntary Contributions (Junior High Only)
$70 per semester - Foodtech (if Foodtech is taken as part of a module) (Not tax deductible)
$70 per semester - Production Design/Construction (if Product Design/Construction are taken as part of module) (Not tax deductible)
Other Fees
There may be compulsory fees charged to parents and caregivers. These will depend on the choices your child makes for their learning and if they partake in extracurricular activities. In all cases for curriculum there will be an alternative programme choice which does not incur a cost. For courses, flight times, sports teams, extracurricular activities and Puna Wānanga where parents/students chose to incur a charge, this charge is due for payment when committed to and will show on your student's KINDO account. Outstanding debt will become part of the Rototuna High Schools' debt collection procedures.
School Fees & Donations

Why do we use Education Perfect and Writer’s Toolbox?
At RHS we have carefully researched, and decided upon, learning tools and resources that will have the most impact on student's progress and achievement. Two of these tools are Education Perfect and Writer’s Toolbox.
Education Perfect is an online learning programme that we are using in English, Science, Mathematics and Statistics and languages. The learning activities contain videos, explanations and interactive activities that support the key concepts being taught in class. Students then answer questions ranging from basic recall to more long answer explanations. Statistics are provided to the teachers on how well the students are progressing through the tasks, their completion rate and any concepts they are struggling with. Teachers can also give written feedback on long answer questions. Tools such as this can be used for learning activities like:
'preview' - introducing a basic understanding of concepts to students before class so that during class time students can work on tasks that require them to think more deeply and apply their learning
in class tasks to supplement learning at the time
follow-up tasks to cement the understanding of concepts after they have been worked on in class
Writer’s Toolbox is an AI-powered literacy program that has been specifically designed to empower learners without taking over the creative process and provides real-time, tailored feedback to enhance their writing skills.
We have introduced a specific structured literacy time, 3 times per week, into our advisory programme. Teachers and students use Writer’s Toolbox to focus on fundamental writing skills including sentence and paragraph structure and accuracy of punctuation as well as developing skills for different writing styles. Our goal is to raise student achievement in writing across the school and prepare them for success when taking the Literacy Writing Common Assessment Activity in Year 10. The Writer’s Toolbox programme supports students by giving them specific feedback and feedforward so they can see their progress and know what they need to do next to improve. Writer’s Toolbox will also be used in modules to develop writing skills.
We would encourage all parents/caregivers to ask their children to show them the programme so that you can see the potential and familiarise yourselves with the types of tools being used in our courses.