Rural School Buses

Rototuna High Schools has two rural bus routes which are set and administered by the Ministry of Education (Routes D030506 and D030507). The bus operator who is appointed by the MoE is Go Bus.
Rural School Bus Routes and Timetable
The route details and approximate timings are given below; please note different timings for Wednesday late start. To avoid the congestion outside school at the end of the day both buses will arrive on site at 3.30 pm ready to depart. As these routes are rural, the drivers will stop for students they see on the left hand side of the road where it is safe to do so.
As always, please either stay with your children while they are waiting for their school transport in the morning or keep in contact with them to make sure that they are picked up safely. We have a Code of Conduct in place for students who catch the Rural Buses - please see below.
Eligibility for School Transport Assistance
We often get questions about whether students qualify for school transport assistance i.e., a place on a school bus.
The Ministry of Education has three criteria that students must meet in order to qualify for school transport assistance. They are:
The student must attend their closest state or state-integrated school
The student must live more than a certain distance from the school:
Years 1-8: at least 3.2 km
Years 9-13: at least 4.8 km
There must be no suitable public transport options
The Ministry of Education has a handy video on their website that explains the eligibility criteria for school transport assistance. Some parents/caregivers may be eligible for the School Transport Conveyance Allowance from the MoE - please follow the link below.
Responsibility of Caregivers
To ensure a safe environment for bus loading and unloading, caregivers should:
not park in bus bays
adhere to the speed limit (20 km/h while passing a stationary school bus on either side of the road)
try to eliminate the need for children to cross the road
ensure that children get to and from the bus stop safely
teach children to not run across the road
The safety and comfort of everyone on the bus depends on a standard of behaviour and consideration for others that is expected in the classroom. We therefore expect students who catch the bus to adhere to a Code of Conduct (click on link below). We hope that parents/caregivers will support the school in maintaining these standards of behaviour.